Circulation Desk

From The Head Librarian

Hello! Welcome to The Library. This is my blog where I read books and watch movies and then type up my sometimes clever, often amusing and always opinionated thoughts onto the page.

Do you like Quests? Checking things off lists? Crushing friends and family at bar trivia night? You’re in luck! I can help with all of that.

How it all began: Towards the end of 2018, I constantly heard the same phrase, “We’re more divided than ever!” And every time I stopped and thought, are we though? What about the Civil War? What about the ’60s? What about that time Vermont was its own country?

Then I thought, what about those times? I realized I didn’t know anything about entire generations of American history.

Thus began a Quest of reading a full-length biography of every American President. These books lead to notes, follow-up reading lists and a desire to learn a lot more. I needed a place to creatively download the things I learned along the way. So, here we are.

Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. Shakespeare? World War II? The Fast and the Furious franchise? It’s all on the table.

Join me! You just might learn something.